In data de 10 septembrie 2012 vom posta pe wall-ul paginii o notificare privind concursul zilei. Pentru a fi considerat inscris la concurs trebuie sa te numeri printre fanii paginii si sa dai like si share la postarea despre concurs.
Castigatorii vor fi alesi prin tragere la sorti si vor fi anuntati in data de 19 septembrie 2012 pe pagina de facebook
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1. sa te numeri printre fanii paginii, lucru pe care il poti face cu un simplu like (imi place) aici.
2. sa fi dat like la postarea despre concurs (Concurs Sentimente 10-19 septembrie)
3. sa fi dat share la postarea despre concurs (Concurs Sentimente 10-19 septembrie)
In cazul in care nu se indeplinesc toate conditiile de mai sus, vom selecta un alt fan.
Castigatorii trebuie sa-si revendice premiul pana luni (24 septembrie) la ora 12:00 (ne comunica pe pagina de facebook numele pe care au contul de sentimente creat sau username-ul) . In cazul in care acestia nu isi revendica premiul pana la ora anuntata mai sus, alegem un alt castigator.
I believe the best reuse for Mt. De Chantal would be as a local hisroty museum. In Wheeling, we havw a very interesting study in itself. The claiming of land by the Zane brothers, the story of Fort Henry and the arrival of the National Road just for starters. There also is a rich manufacturing hisroty in the city. The obvious steel and nail manufacturing, glass, china, furniture, building products, wagons for use in the cotton fieds down south. The list is endless. Not to mention a Civil War Museum, which was mentioned some years ago. The Mount buildings are of a vintage that would work into a Civil War theme, as well. There is an educational possibility here that must not be overlooked.