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Echipa Sentimente

By septembrie 26, 201212 Comments

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  • Indah spune:

    I feel that was great!!! It did not matter where you are at bcuaese if you can sneek that workout in that’s wonderful. I work third shift and I do every exercise I can when I get some time to myself. This is great encouragement bcuaese I am guilty of putting my workout off until the next day and then never getting a chance to workout at all the whole week. I just want to say thank you!!

  • Adnan spune:

    Refuz sa cred ca nu se vor strange banii pot si nu vreau sa cred asa ceva. Haideti oemani buni ,strangerea banilor sta in puterea noastra ..restul sta in puterea lui Doamne Doamne , la care noi ,cu totii, ne rugam ptr Mariuca, parintii ei si toti cei incercati ..Oare realizati ce norocosi suntem , noi cei care avem copiii sanatosi ???Cu speranta si incredereDoamne ajuta !

  • Jahangir spune:

    Pentru Mariuca,pentru parinti si ptneru cei care se simt cu adevarat oameni ..Va rog sa priviti chipul unui copil aflat in suferinta,care pana mai ieri zambea si alerga prin curtea casei bucurindu-si parintii .Are nevoie de noi toti dar trebuie sa ne implicam intr-un caz umanitar cu sufletul si cu tot ce putem darui financiar cat mai repede,fara a invoca diverse obstacole.Pentru binele pe care il facem ,vom primi tot bine si mai mult de atat nu exista.Fiti rationali si sufletisti !

  • Devendar spune:

    It is very true that everyone needs some form of eneirtatnment. Games get a bad rep sometime cause of people that get addicted. I happen to believe people can be in charge of their own lives. Maybe I say this cause I work in , or maybe I say it because I’m an existentialist.

  • Auth spune:

    Find a car lot with really clean used cars, then call the used car manaegr and ask who does theres. Even if they do their own, he may be able to recommend someone else.A good professional detail is NOT cheap. Expect to pay $ 150+.But, it can often make a world of difference.

  • Josna spune:

    Beautiful Abby! I love the personal tocheus such as the shoes and the cupcakes. It must have been such a fun wedding. And as always, your photos have left me teary!

  • veronica.sociu spune:

    Salutari si urari de bine, tuturor celor ce-si doresc un sfarsit de saptamana de neuitat.

  • Mircea spune:

    Sa fitzi iubitzi!!!O noapte superba sa avetzi!!!

  • adriana redeleanu spune:

    datimi add sunt tot ce va doriti de la o femeie SUNT O SCLAVA MININATURALA

  • Gheorghe spune:

    buna la toata lume